We are happy to present our next product to you today!
For the first time we dedicate ourselves to the large 1:16 scale, with our StuG. The kit is a brand new plastic model in this scale.
To celebrate this, the entire first production run comes with an optional free metal barrel.
We are currently
planning to start deliveries in mid-December 2021.
You can find more information, much more pictures and the first videos here: StuG III Aus.G early (Sturmgeschütz III / Sd.Kfz. 142)
Best Regards
Das Werk-Team
Write a comment
Michael Kibler (Friday, 20 August 2021 22:14)
So excited that you are producing it, will definitely buy when it comes out. Will also get the 1/35 2 in 1. Thank you !!!!
Rick Griewski (Friday, 20 August 2021 22:49)
Excellent gift to myself this Christmas.
Maybe a PAK 40 gun and ammunition in 1/16 scale in the future?
ulf kraéddt (Friday, 20 August 2021 23:10)
thanks lots of kit like this.
Simon Michaelis (Saturday, 21 August 2021 02:36)
Brilliant! My Birthday gift will be ordered today via AHH in the USA (watched his Youtube promo on this product this morning!)
More products like this! Pls!!
Work on a figure or two for the product as an add on for the future.
Kind regards,
Simon M.
Melbourne Australia
Tuomas Hautamäki (Saturday, 21 August 2021 15:51)
At last some one produces stug III in 1:16 scale! I have long expected a kit like this, thank you!
Jaap (Saturday, 21 August 2021 17:54)
This is very good news, I ordered one already.
I hope this is the start of a great line of german tank variants in 1/16 scale.
Pay attention what Trumpeter in 1/16 scale is producing and don’t do that then, or just be the first one to release a new 1/16 tank variant.
Fab news.
Jayson Lux (Saturday, 21 August 2021 19:40)
Just wanted to know if side armor panels or plates will be added?
Anders Thim (Saturday, 21 August 2021 19:57)
I am very pleased to se a StuG III in 1/16. Hope to see a later version as well. It would be very nice if the side skirts that was a so prominent feature of the StuG III would be avilable as an aftermarket item.
While I am at it. A Jagdpanzer 38 "t" "Hetzer" would make a very nice kit in 1/16.
Other than that I preordered mine yesterday.
David crathorne (Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:07)
I live in UK I only do 1/16 we’re can I get this kit love it
Colin Phillips (Sunday, 22 August 2021 00:03)
Fantastic news, can’t wait to see it here in Canada. We have waited a long time for this. Thank you I have one on order already. Now for the iconic Willys Jeep �.
Gregory Hughes (Sunday, 22 August 2021 09:33)
Looking forward to this!!!! What about the Panzerspahwagen in this scale-nobody does this and there are so many variants.
Axel Timmermann (Sunday, 22 August 2021 18:10)
Hammer Teil muß ich haben.
Pedro Quintero (Wednesday, 25 August 2021 22:31)
Excelente!¡ POR FAVOR intenten hacer otros modelos a 1/16.
Jock (Thursday, 26 August 2021 15:03)
What about maybe even a 1/16 Maus ?!?!
Alex (Friday, 27 August 2021 06:51)
Gibt es vielleicht späterhin ein Ergänzungsset für das Interior? Auf jeden Fall ganz große Klasse!
Ran Yariv (Friday, 27 August 2021 09:00)
Oh, yes! Gotta have it!
B.G. van de Riet (Friday, 27 August 2021 11:56)
Ich würde gerne sehen, ob ein zusätzlicher electr. antriebssatz separat erworben werden kann. Erweiterbar mit Drehturm und/oder Rauch und Sound. Ich habe einen Tiger 1/16 von HobbyBoss gebaut, der vorbereitet, aber nicht verfügbar ist.
DW_Nils (Friday, 27 August 2021 15:03)
Hello everyone!
Thank you for all the feedback! We have noted this down and forwarded it and also added some product requests to our list.
Best Regards
Das Werk-Team
Colin fairweather (Saturday, 04 September 2021 20:57)
Fantastic heading in the right direction.
please for the future, consider doing the ww1 British and German line of tanks in 1/16.
Wayne (Thursday, 09 September 2021 10:00)
I have been looking forward to a detailed STUG in 1/16 and now its here. Well soon to be. A merry Christmas I think it will be. Ho Ho Stug :-)
Maybe Das Werk could consider several late war HEER figures to go with this work of art. Well I can dream.
Thank you Das Werk.
pedro quintero (Tuesday, 14 September 2021 17:06)
It is important that the pieces are not small to be able to assemble it well and less at this scale, there are other brands that working in 1/16 scale make very small pieces and they do not like it. this kid is very good
Ron Brender a Brandis (Sunday, 19 September 2021 10:17)
The news gravity waves are felt in The Netherlands!! I will also order one if it comes available in europe,great news!!�
DW_Nils (Monday, 20 September 2021 13:22)
I also added your wishes to our list.
Best Regards
Das Werk-Team
Matt manit (Wednesday, 10 November 2021 07:34)
Looking forward to buying your early G! Any chance you might produce a late G as well? Please keep the 1/16 kits from ww i to modern coming! Thank you!
Michael ward (Sunday, 14 November 2021 18:02)
Excellent news, but will you consider a range of German armoured cars/ half-tracks they were very common in all theatres of war, many people I know only model in 1/16 .well done on the stug though
Juha Perälä (Tuesday, 23 November 2021 11:36)
I like to see famo halftrack in 1/16, i did oreder the stug.
DW_Nils (Friday, 26 November 2021 14:05)
I also added your suggestions to the wish list.
Best Regards
Das Werk-Team
Lukas (Saturday, 27 November 2021 20:45)
II could not resist therefore Stug will come to me soon :)
If we go through what Panzer are available in 1:16, we immediately notice that there is a lack of Panzer II, III and a good Tiger I.
Maybe with this Stug it is worth to think about Panzer III ?
I was wondering if in this scale it would be a good idea to sell the base model without interior and interior as a separate kit. Surely more people would buy the base model because it would be at a more affordable price.
In the future please think about Sturmtiger and Ferdinand/Elefant - these beasts will always attract attention.
Bo Sandberg (Monday, 29 November 2021 11:24)
Hi wondering if you will start to ship the sstug1/16 soon?
Karlheinz Schiefer (Wednesday, 15 December 2021 10:20)
Wann ist das Stug denn nun lieferbar ?
Peter Kwakernaat (Wednesday, 29 December 2021 15:34)
Ich habe es heute erhalten.... der 38 T Hetzer in 1/16 war gut aber der StuG III von DAs Werk ist sehr gut... freue mich auf den Panzer III. “mit winterketten” :-)
Nick Serrapica (Tuesday, 04 January 2022 12:47)
Bought mine as my Christmas present from Andy's. Its fabulous. Started work last night but I will not close it up until the full interior kit is released. I can simply build upper and lower for now.
Sandor Biczo (Monday, 31 January 2022 08:16)
Hi there! Some basic dimensions of the new 1/16 Das Werk Stug 3 would be helpful. I would like to put it in a display case when I do buy one. Length, width and height in milimetres/centimetres would be very helpful, please. I am one of those who will buy this model in due course. Regards Sandor.
Ryan (Monday, 11 April 2022 21:21)
Superb release,,,,,please consider a 1/16 Sherman series!